Things to Do in Lafayette

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Gather, Play, Connect!

Come see why people love Lafayette

Enjoy a wonderful meal with friends at a top-rated eatery, explore the outdoors, or plan a special event at a stunning venue — you’ll find everything you need here in the beautiful city of Lafayette.

large group toasting with wine and beer at a table

World Class Dining, Shopping and Self-Care

Time with friends and family is priceless. Gather downtown and experience a safe and fun environment for all ages and demographics. When's the last time you met up in Lafayette?

Outdoor Experiences

Discover the Most Beautiful Trails & Parks in the East Bay

Step outside and take a deep breath. Lafayette offers some of the best hiking, biking, and outdoor experiences you’ll find in the Bay Area. From open spaces, and picnicking, to East Bay Parks, there’s always something to do!

lafayette art and wine music

Art + Culture

Explore Lafayette’s Thriving Cultural Scene

The whole family will enjoy our exciting art and cultural events. Library programming, music, and public art displays, there’s always something to do around town.

Kid + Play

Come Play in the East Bay

Looking for amazing playgrounds and kids’ activities? Our family-friendly outdoor spaces, along with our library events and other kid-friendly activities, makes our town a destination for Bay Area families.

collage of kids playing and in school
Lafayette park hotel courtyard for events

Events + Gatherings

Bring Your Events to Life in Lafayette

Stunning spaces, expert planners, stellar caterers and decor — make your next event in Lafayette an occasion to remember.

City Events

Connect with Community at our Annual Events

When you attend one of Lafayette’s annual events, you’ll feel the warmth and welcome of the entire community. Festivals, markets, holiday events, and more — our East Bay events entertain and delight!

sketch of a group walking and talking
people strolling at the lafayette art and wine festival in September
woman getting spa treatment

Relax + Stay

Treat Yourself to the Best of Lafayette

Looking for the finest spas and wellness services in the East Bay? Lafayette’s spas, beauty spots, and wellness services are the perfect place to get away and find yourself.